
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Asterix returns! 

Here I am ... !
This is me ... !!
There's no where else on earth I'd rather be ... !!!

About 3 years back from now, I'd started sharing the scattered pieces of my mind in this virtual world. At times, I was happy at sharing them finally with someone, at times learnt from them when I read them again after a couple of days, at times people found the ideas too wild, at times some were jealous of how much I travelled or enjoyed life, at times I was hurt and this was the only place where I could write my daily-diary and be pacified, intially anonymous but later read by few close friends of mine, this place became a junction where people could come and get to know my true-self.

But that was when I was living a life of a student where I'd write my blog at 3-4am everynight. Then one fine day I passed out ... and I changed. And I changed BIG TIME. Everything in my life changed - The way I looked at people, I understood them, the way I was looked by the people, the places I went, the new people I met and befriended, the life strained with some old friends, the work pressure took over, and this Asterix adopted to the new life style, forgetting the older charming one.

After this loooong hiatus, the idea again is to become the old self in some respects. Some changes might come for good, some will be volunteerily rejected.
For a year and more, life had chosen a route on which I was walking. Now I'll choose the route on which the life will follow me.

Keep reading ... Adieu.

- Asterix!


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